Welcome weirdos to Weird Movie Wednesday. Today we are talking about my favorite movie of all time! Killer Klowns From Outer Space. I have loved this movie since childhood and have several memories connected to this film. Not to mention a slew of my own fan art including a mural on my old bedroom wall. I guess you could say I'm a fan. This once obscure film has gained major popularity in the horror community and all I can say is it's about time. This movie is a genuine work of art. Plus, this week was Killer Klowns 31st movie anniversary! So, let's talk about the story a little bit. Killer Klowns From Outer Space is about, well... Killer Klowns From Outer Space. On an ordinary night in a small college town, a shooting star is spotted by a couple of lovers at the make out point, top of the world. The two kids, looking for adventure decide to go and look for the star. What they find is a large circus tent, big and brightly lit. The two decide to go in a check it out. W...
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