Hello and welcome to another special Weird Movie Wednesday. Today, I thought I would talk a little bit about my mom, her fave movies, and the movies she showed me that made me the horror nut I am today. Without her, I don't know that I would love these things as much as I do. This is an early Mother's Day surprise and an ode to mom. Enjoy.

So, my mom is a horror fan from way back and she has never been shy in sharing her love for gore with her three kids. Growing up, there were few movies that were off limits and, as long as she was in the room, we could watch anything we wanted. Plus, she worked in a video store so, needless to say, we had access to a wide array to all the movies we could ever want. There were the staples such as A Nightmare on Elm St., Silver Bullet, Return of the Living Dead, Demons and all the Evil Dead's. Not to forget Texas Chainsaw Massacre, My Bloody Valentine, and Friday the 13th and the list goes on. But there were a few that she made us wait until we were a bit older such as Night of the Demons, Lair of the White Worm, and The Exorcist. All of these movies have had an impact on my life, but there is one movie in particular that has a hilarious story behind it that I would like to share with you. The movie was Sleepaway Camp.
Like I said earlier, with certain movies, as long as mom was in the room, we could watch whatever we wanted (until we got older, of course). So, one day we were watching Sleepaway Camp for the first time. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. Everything was going well, we were enjoying the campy atmosphere from this 80s classic, then all of a sudden mom tells us to close our eyes. I had no idea why. It was the end of the movie after all and nothing so bad has happened up till now. It wasn't until several years later, when I saw the movie on my own, that I figured out why she had us close our eyes and I was outraged and overcome with laughter. If you haven't seen the movie I am going to spoil the end. Angela, the girl in the movie is not a girl at all she is a BOY!!! My mom blocked us from the twist ending all so we wouldn't see her genitals. In case you don't know, not seeing the end of the movie makes watching the movie pointless. It explains all the flashbacks and the murders. I told her about how she spoiled the end of the movie and all she said was "Oh. Sorry". So deadpan, so mom. She's straight up savage and that's why we love her.
One other short story I would like to share is about Creepshow 2. The first story in that movie is about an old Indian statue that sort of looks after this old shop. One night, the proprietor and his wife are robbed by a couple of rapscallions, one being the nephew of the chief in town that has loaned some ancient turquoise jewelry until he can pay what he and his people owe to the old man. Well, the outcome of the story is not that important but what is is the nephew guy. He has always creeped my mom out because he is lewd and crude. With his long hair, he delivers some of the greatest lines ever. So, to mess with mom, we constantly quote that movie. We always tell her that "It took nine years to grow our hair out, man". It is so funny. She always gives us the same mad yet laughing look. Its funny every time.
My mom always has great movie recommendations and is always willing to talk horror with me. In the last 10 years she has introduced us to some classics such as TerrorVision, My Mom's a Werewolf and Alice, Sweet Alice. She may not be too good with the gore anymore, but she still kicks it with some of her faves such as The Decent and Hostel II. You could pretty much say that my mom is the coolest.
On a more serious note, I do want to thank my mom for all the support she has and continues to give me and my siblings as we grow. No one is more beautiful inside and out, spontaneous, gracious and lovely than her. Not to mention wicked funny and super creative. Who else can make a shoe out of cardboard? You continue to be a guiding light and a force to be reckoned with. I love you very much, mom.
To wrap this up, I just want to say once more that I love my mom. I wouldn't be who I am today without her. I hope that you all share a little love with your mom this Mother's Day and everyday for that matter. Whether you take her to dinner, bring her flowers, give her a hug, or just give her a call be sure to do something to let her know that you appreciate the mother figure in your life. And with that, we are done. Happy Mother's Day and, until next time, stay spooky!
One other short story I would like to share is about Creepshow 2. The first story in that movie is about an old Indian statue that sort of looks after this old shop. One night, the proprietor and his wife are robbed by a couple of rapscallions, one being the nephew of the chief in town that has loaned some ancient turquoise jewelry until he can pay what he and his people owe to the old man. Well, the outcome of the story is not that important but what is is the nephew guy. He has always creeped my mom out because he is lewd and crude. With his long hair, he delivers some of the greatest lines ever. So, to mess with mom, we constantly quote that movie. We always tell her that "It took nine years to grow our hair out, man". It is so funny. She always gives us the same mad yet laughing look. Its funny every time.
On a more serious note, I do want to thank my mom for all the support she has and continues to give me and my siblings as we grow. No one is more beautiful inside and out, spontaneous, gracious and lovely than her. Not to mention wicked funny and super creative. Who else can make a shoe out of cardboard? You continue to be a guiding light and a force to be reckoned with. I love you very much, mom.
To wrap this up, I just want to say once more that I love my mom. I wouldn't be who I am today without her. I hope that you all share a little love with your mom this Mother's Day and everyday for that matter. Whether you take her to dinner, bring her flowers, give her a hug, or just give her a call be sure to do something to let her know that you appreciate the mother figure in your life. And with that, we are done. Happy Mother's Day and, until next time, stay spooky!
Thank you Cameron! I am very proud of the young lady you have become. Thank you for including me in your weekly writing , I am touched and deeply honored. Stay spooky baby cakes!