This is a Troma Classic about the murder of a transvestite and how he comes back for revenge. What happens is a classic tale of mistaken identity. The owner of this honeymoon hotel is taken aback by a beautiful blonde who is staying in a honeymoon suite. The two decide to pop some bubbly when uh-oh we learn that the blonde is more than what she seems. That's right she's a he and the owner doesn't play that game. In a blinding rage, the man kills the transvestite with the cork screw killing her dead and unkowingly creating a monster. Fast forward several years later, the owner of the hotel finds himself a love of his own and makes use of his honeymoon suite with his sweet on their wedding day. All the while, another couple stops in to stay the night. One of them just so happens to be a psychic and sense's that trouble is a foot .It gets a little confusing here but what I gather is that the psychic and the owner discover that all the horrible mishaps around the hotel is due to the vengeful zombie spirit of the transvestite from the beginning . With the help of this nosy psychic and a cross, the pair puts and end to the terror by laying the soul to rest.
That's all I have to say about this one. It's not very long and a little confusing but fun to watch, so watch it .you can watch it free on YouTube. That's where I watched it. You check it out and tell me what you thought about it .That's all for now, stay spooky.
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