Welcome weirdos to another installment of Weird Movie Wednesday, where I talk about my favorite obscure horror movies. In keeping with my summer feeling, I've decided to search my movie archives for one of my favorite and very weird horror movies brought to you but the weirdos over at Troma. This movie is totally absurd and over the top, I don't know where to even start. I suppose the first thing to mention is that it is about Klowns (which I love), a summer academy for said klowns (also love), and a senseless slaughter. It's crazy yet so lovable that I just have to tell you about it, so let's do this.
On graduation night, 15 years earlier, a klown looking to spread laughter was humiliated when his jokes didn't make anyone in attendance chuckle. To retaliate, he murders the lot of them. The senseless slaughter forced the shut down of the Klown Kamp Academy. Against the advice of locals, kamp owner Bozo goes ahead and reopens the kamp and unwitting klowns sign up, not knowing the terror that was to come. Under the instruction of Sgt. Funny-bone, the klowns are trained rigorously in the art of pie throwing and seltzer shooting. However, when the Sgt. is found dead in a pile of cream pie and blood, the kamp goes from hilarious to horrifying. Things aren't as they seem though, because the twist ending is one that I know for sure you won't see coming.
I'm not going to spoil the end of this one because I feel like it is one that should be experienced for oneself. I realize that I don't really have an exact system when it comes to spoiling the endings of certain films, but trust me on this. If you like truly awful films, you will love this and that's why I won't spoil it for you. Now, I want to talk about one of my favorite scenes in the movie. It doesn't give away the ending but it is hilarious. So, there are two klown characters that are buddies. One is kind of small and tough and the other is large and stupid. Classic cliches, but they are friends despite the overbearing nature of the smaller one. During one scene the pair are practicing shooting seltzer water at each other, with the larger one shooting. As the water splashes the smaller ones face, we notice that the water is melting his face off. He runs off, melting into more of a skeleton and dying in a field, and the larger, dumber one is petrified after accidentally killing his buddy. Later in the movie, the dumb one is eating a cream pie that clearly has a lit bomb poking out of it and he gets his head blown off. What is funny about these two scenes is the larger klown. We feel bad for him when he accidentally kills his friend and then when he gets his head blown off and they make him a memorial in the film! Like the kind that they put at the end of the Academy Awards when celebrities pass away. I can't think of anything funnier! It is truly, truly, truly hilarious.
Klown Kamp Massacre is one for the books. A truly hilarious horror movie experience and one to be shared with friends. I will add that its not really for young horror fans but none of Troma's movies really are. But, if you love crappy films this one is for you. It is for me! That's all I've got for today and I hope you have enjoyed. Feel free to tell me your thoughts about today's post. Leave a comment, like, and share. If you haven't already, follow me on Instagram (@cameronmothershed) or on Twitter (@cameronmarie96). I post pretty regularly and I usually comment back to stuff. So, let's chat. Until next time, stay spooky friends!
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