Hello horror fans and welcome back to FearStyle Friday. I wanted to take today to talk about the worst horror movie I have EVER seen and I'm serious. Now, I'm a fan of bad horror films and I try to see them all. You've got the staples like Troll and Troll 2, any of the Leprechaun movies, and let's not forget the king of the crappy movie, Troma, but this is different. This is a new level of bad. The type of movie that I can't even watch again. Ladies and gentle, without further ado, I present Dawn of the Living Dead aka Curse of the May aka Evil Grave: Curse of the Maya.
Don't let the title confuse you, this isn't a zombie movie brought to you by the God father of zombies, George Romero. This is something far far worse. It is a zombie movie...I think. It was written, produced, directed, and starred David Heavener. Co-starring, we have Todd Bridges, from Different Strokes fame, and Joe Estevez . You know, the brother of Martin Sheen, uncle to Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen. You know. What? Just what? And to be frank with you, I couldn't remember what this movie was even about I had to re-watch it and read a summary. I painstakingly re-reviewed this monstrosity of a film to, in the best of my ability, explain to you how awful this movie truly is. It is that confusing. What does that say when the viewer can't follow your movie? Come on David Heavener. I am going to do my best and relay this movie for you, quickly, that way I can carry on with my rant .
Okay, so the movie is about a young woman who moves out to Mexico to deal with her mental health issues, what these were I do not know. It is here where she befriends the local windmill caretaker, the caretaker of Mexican windmills. One night, the two are attacked by ancient Mayan zombies, where the woman connects to the orphan child (because we all know which one that is). This connection compels her to try and solve the mystery that is the Mayan zombies and how to lay their souls to rest. We finally learn that the caretaker had killed the zombie Mayans and that's why they are awake. They kill him, so I guess they get their revenge....I guess .
That's it. It's all confusing. Nothing makes sense . There's five sun's in the sky at one point, that's confusing. I don't really remember why he kills the Mayan family in the first place, that's tragic. Joe Estevez was in this movie, that's also tragic. This whole movie is just a big ol' mess that just makes me want to rip my heart out. Not even a zombie baby could make this movie better.
Seems like a weird segue, but stay with me . The guy who made this movie paid some FX shop for this really rad, vomiting baby doll and he had the doll attack him in one scene. The work on the doll was cool but it did not translate well on screen . Also, this guy was so stoked about the doll that he was bragging about it in the special features. Now, I know what you must be thinking, "Cameron, if you hate this movie then why did you watch the special features?". I had to, that's why. On the DVD, at the end of the film they jump right into the special features after the credits. I've never seen a movie do that before and hopefully never will again. I like to watch the extra stuff at my leisure. I don't like to have it forced on me. It's like, chill man, I'll get to it when I am good and ready. I love behind the scenes stuff, however I did not volunteer to watch this one. All I have to say is thank you David, now I know more useless information about your hard to understand horror movie.

I think that's the end of the rant...for now. Please tell me, have you seen this movie? I doubt it but if you have let me know. If you haven't seen it, don't you worry, I know where you can watch it for free! Just go to YouTube and search the name. That was Curse of the Maya. The quality is poor but so is the story line, so there ya go. Check it out and tell me does this movie even exist in real life or am I in the twilight zone? Tell me your thoughts and join me next time . Maybe I'll rant about something else. Stay spooky.
Don't let the title confuse you, this isn't a zombie movie brought to you by the God father of zombies, George Romero. This is something far far worse. It is a zombie movie...I think. It was written, produced, directed, and starred David Heavener. Co-starring, we have Todd Bridges, from Different Strokes fame, and Joe Estevez . You know, the brother of Martin Sheen, uncle to Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen. You know. What? Just what? And to be frank with you, I couldn't remember what this movie was even about I had to re-watch it and read a summary. I painstakingly re-reviewed this monstrosity of a film to, in the best of my ability, explain to you how awful this movie truly is. It is that confusing. What does that say when the viewer can't follow your movie? Come on David Heavener. I am going to do my best and relay this movie for you, quickly, that way I can carry on with my rant .

That's it. It's all confusing. Nothing makes sense . There's five sun's in the sky at one point, that's confusing. I don't really remember why he kills the Mayan family in the first place, that's tragic. Joe Estevez was in this movie, that's also tragic. This whole movie is just a big ol' mess that just makes me want to rip my heart out. Not even a zombie baby could make this movie better.
Seems like a weird segue, but stay with me . The guy who made this movie paid some FX shop for this really rad, vomiting baby doll and he had the doll attack him in one scene. The work on the doll was cool but it did not translate well on screen . Also, this guy was so stoked about the doll that he was bragging about it in the special features. Now, I know what you must be thinking, "Cameron, if you hate this movie then why did you watch the special features?". I had to, that's why. On the DVD, at the end of the film they jump right into the special features after the credits. I've never seen a movie do that before and hopefully never will again. I like to watch the extra stuff at my leisure. I don't like to have it forced on me. It's like, chill man, I'll get to it when I am good and ready. I love behind the scenes stuff, however I did not volunteer to watch this one. All I have to say is thank you David, now I know more useless information about your hard to understand horror movie.

I think that's the end of the rant...for now. Please tell me, have you seen this movie? I doubt it but if you have let me know. If you haven't seen it, don't you worry, I know where you can watch it for free! Just go to YouTube and search the name. That was Curse of the Maya. The quality is poor but so is the story line, so there ya go. Check it out and tell me does this movie even exist in real life or am I in the twilight zone? Tell me your thoughts and join me next time . Maybe I'll rant about something else. Stay spooky.
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