Happy Early Mother's Day, Everyone! Hope everyone is having a lovely day celebrating mom or whoever the mother figure in your life is. Today, I have a special treat for you that you. I have been compiling a list of my 13 favorite mom's in horror movies. I even have my mom's stamp of approval. So, without further ado, here are those movie mama's.
13) A Nightmare on Elm St. (1984)

In the relm of horror movies we see lots of scary moms, crazy moms, courageous moms but seldom do we see a mom as sweet as Lucy. Single mom of two teenage boys, Lucy tries to turn over a new leaf in her life by moving back in with her dad, getting a job, and getting back into the dating game. Her only downfall being that she has moved to Santa Carla, California, the Vampire Capital and is dating none other than the head vampire, Max. Such a devotee to her boys, Lucy is willing to sacrifice herself for them. Come to think of it, she kind of reminds me of my mom. And I love them both.
Speaking of single mom's, Karen Barclay is one super trooper. Mother to six year old Andy, who happens to be prone to storytelling (or so she thinks), Karen deals with all the issues that going into single parenting. She juggles working full time, raising Andy and keeping it all together in downtown Chicago. When she discovers that Andy was telling the truth about his killer doll, she does everything in her power to prove his innocence and sanity. No matter the cost. Even withstanding bites and knife wounds from the maniacal Chucky. Don't let her sweet nature fool you, she is tougher than she looks. Unfortunately, she isn't believed about the doll or the murders, but we the audience know the extent of her efforts and for that we salute you, Karen.

It is in my humble opinion that there has never been a more concerned mother in movie history than Chris MacNeil. Also a single mother, Chris is mother to a demon possessed child. An actress and all around lovely lady, Chris handles the terror of watching her child deteriorate right before her eyes with a sense of grace. Even putting aside her own religious beliefs to find help and put an end to her daughters horror. She experiences sheer terror and still manages to keep herself together. Even in the closing scene, she is dressed to the nines, handling her departure with grace and style. Who doesn't love that?
9) Rosemary's Baby (1968)

In misguided rage, Mrs. Loomis makes my list by her heartbreak and lust for revenge. After the death of her only son Billy, Mrs. Loomis goes on a tour of blood soaked revenge. Cutting down all of Sydney's friends, she schemes an almost perfect plan to avenge her son. She fight's till the very end and, in a twisted sort of way, her son would be proud.
7) People Under The Stairs (1991)
Where to begin with mommy? Wanting to live the perfect fantasy life, mommy runs a strict household. She holds dear the adage "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil". Anyone who breaks any of those rules must be punished. Just ask her kids in the basement. But her pride and joy is Alice, as long as she follows every rule without question, mommy lavishes her with pretty doll-like dresses and cloth dolls. Just try to stay on mommy's good side. You know what they say, if mommy's happy, everyone's happy.

Vera Cosgrove has always been an outspoken woman, never to be pushed around by the men in her life. Especially her only son, Lionel. She also runs a tight ship, requiring the drapes to be washed, the silver to be polished, and the lawn to be mowed. Work fit for Lionel. All the while maintaining a sophisticated appearance and status in her local woman's club. Her untimely demise takes a toll on Lionel and his whole family...including Vera herself. This monster mama can't let anyone have her Lionel and tries to keep him with her, even in death. Talk about a real mama's boy, she even tries to stick him back in her womb. I don't know about you but I think it is time to cut the umbilical cord.

Speaking of mama boy's, Norman takes the cake. Mrs.Bates is one overbearing mama. If you thought Vera was bad, honey, Mrs.Bates makes her look like a concerned mother. Not wanting her son to stray too far away, mama Bates emotionally manipulates her son into becoming a recluse and caretaker of the Bates Motel. Mrs.Bates' control over her son is so great that she doesn't even need to be alive to do it. Norman loves his mother so much he emulates her down to the very stitch. Isn't it adorable when kids dress up in their mother's clothes?

Margaret White is, in my opinion, the scariest type of mother. She falls under the misguided fear and rage category. A fear of what, you ask? Maybe of living in a Godless time, her daughter, or even herself. Wanting to live her life on the straight and narrow, Margaret forces her already reserved daughter to dress modestly, pray constantly, and stunt her womanhood? I suppose she never wanted her daughter to grow up and make the same mistakes she did. However, forcing her to pray in a small, cramped closet and chasing her with knives is extreme. Like I said, misguided fears of whatever was running around in that crazy mama brain of hers, but all she wanted was the best for her daughter. Not for her to get hurt by the evils of the world...but we all know how the movie ends.
3) Friday the 13th (1980)

2) Serial Mom (1994)
Who said you couldn't have it all? Clearly you haven't met Beverly Sutphin and her charming little family. She has it all. She's a beauty, has a successful husband, two beautiful children, and an insatiable thrust for murder. Anything that steps outside the lines of perfect, whether it be her daughter's scummy boyfriend, non-recycle's, or wearing white after Labor Day, Beverly will act on it. Don't mess with this murderous mother, she will murder you with a smile on her face.

Mommy Dearest makes top spot on my list of horror movie mom's because, unlike the other ladies on this list, this one was real. Mommy Dearest is about the life and times of real life actress, Joan Crawford. She was a stunning beauty, a shrewd business woman, and absolutely insane. There was no doubt that she loved her adopted children and wanted to give them the best life she could, but her parenting techniques were abrasive...to say the least. Joan without kids was just as crazy, starting with her need to have everything perfect, freaking out over the tiniest spec of dirt on her floors. Joan with kids however...that was a different story. From making her daughter give away all her birthday presents, to humiliating her by cutting off her hair, Joan really was a nightmare. Heaven forbid she find a wired hanger in your closet, you might just find it whipped across your backside. She may not have been too affectionate but she did teach her kids a valuable lesson; Trust no one. No one has to take care of you, you have to take care of yourself. She didn't even leave anything for her kids after she died, so what does that tell you? She got her point across and her lesson was learned. For the real life fear she invoked, it inspired this cult classic film, which is one of my very favorite films, and top spot on my list. RIP Joan. You scare me to this day.
That was my list of my favorite horror movie mom's. Did you agree with my list? Who are your favorite horror movie mom's? Feel free to drop me a line, either here or on any of my social media accounts. With that said, I hope you all have a happy mother's day! Take some time to celebrate the mom's in your life. Hopefully they aren't too much like the mom's on my list. Until next time, stay spooky!
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