Happy weird movie Wednesday! Today we are talking about a cult favorite and one of my dad's favorite horror movies, The Stuff. This one is dedicated to dad because today is his birthday! And this is his horror contribution to my life. Let's begin.
The Stuff is about an FBI agent, angent 'Mo' Rutherford as he investigates the newest food craze called The Stuff. A sweet and creamy substance that is guaranteed to satisfy. It'll help you loose weight, too! What people don't know is that it is a living parasite that has been dug up from the earth, marketed well and sold to the public. What's worse is that the stuff turns you into stuff guzzling zombies. One young boy sees the change the stuff has causes in his friends and family and decides that he needs to put a stop to it before it's too late. This is when he crosses paths with the FBI agent, who saves him from his zombie family. The two meet up with Mo's girlfriends, and the trio take off to try and find out just where the stuff is coming from.
Eventually, the trio find and infiltrate the distribution operation of the stuff and destroy it with fire. They are all deemed national hero's, however the terror isn't over. During a meeting with the head of The Stuff company, Mo learns that the infiltration was pointless because the stuff seeps out of every where, so there is no shortage of supply. Mo also learns that they plan on making a new product called The Taste. It will be 88% and 12% stuff. Just enough stuff to get the people hooked but not enough to take over their minds. Mo, enraged with this news, forces the head of the stuff company and his new working partner, at gunpoint, to eat the stuff for themselves. An act of revenge for all the lives lost to the stuff.
The film ends with a secret stash of the stuff being sold by some smugglers on the black market. With one taste, we know that the stuff is not over. "Enough is never enough" .
The Stuff is a super fun watch for the whole family. Today I'm going to pick my favorite movie moment and the choice is easy. It is the scene where the little boy tries to trick his family into believing that he has eaten the stuff. So, he goes into the bathroom with an empty stuff container and fills with with shaving cream. He then proceeds to eat it in front of his family. Shortly there after, he is rescued by Mo and, in the back of his car, he vomits. In his panic he screams "I just ate shaving cream!". Without blinking, Mo says "That's ok. We all eat a little shaving cream sometimes." It is laugh out loud, hilarious. It gets me every time.
That's all for today. I just want to say happy birthday to my dad and thank you for the movie. I encourage you all to give this one a go. It's fun and could be a movie that you pass down to your friends and family. Do you have any movies that was passed down to you? Let me know and, until next time, stay spooky!
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