Hello and welcome back to a very special post. Today is the 4 year anniversary of me drawing and sharing my drawings on Instagram. Let me give you a little back story. I was looking through my Instagram the other day and decided to scroll all the way down to my very first post when I stumbled upon the first drawing that I ever shared with the online world. I was pretty new to drawing and I can only imagine that I was really proud of what I had drawn. You see, I am self taught and the drawing clearly shows that. However, as I was looking fondly at this blast from the past I got it in my noggin to share this with you. Instead of just showing you this picture I have decided to recreate the same drawing and compare the two. This is sort of a post to show how I have improved and to celebrate the fact that I have been drawing steadily for the past 4 years. It doesn't seem so long but I have been drawing almost daily since then. I extremely proud of how I have improved and would like to share this with you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you Bony Tony from the Garbage Pail Kids, past and present. A little back story, if I may. I have been collecting these cards for as long as I can remember, even some originals from the 1980s. This one has always been a favorite, but that's not why I drew him. I was giving myself some lessons on drawing easy things. My sister suggested I draw something simple and something I like. She is a self taught artist and is really awesome (you can see her art on Instagram @nenosketchbook if you are interested). Anyways, I had pick some Garbage Pail Kid Cards that I thought would be easiest to mimic and of them Bony Tony came out on top. I already knew a little bit about shading from my high school art class, so I grabbed some colored pencils and went to town. If I remember correctly, it took me a couple hours one evening to finish Tony and I can remember being super stoked when he was all done. I can't remember if I was hesitant to post him or not, but I did and the rest is my own history. I still have a lot to learn about drawing, I'm sure, but one thing I do know is that I love to do it and will always make time to do it.

About the new drawing, I tried to make the new one on the same scale as the old one. However, I don't have the old drawing on hand so I had to go off of a picture of it on my phone. I also found the original version of Bony Tony and tried to re-draw it the best I could. I'm gonna be completely honest with you, I didn't want to finish this drawing once I started it. At first I was really excited about the project but the more I got into it I found myself losing inspiration. The only thing that kept me going was my goal to focus more on my passions. I started this project and I was determined to finish it. Here is the final result and I have to say that I am happy with how it came out, but I do not want to redo it again for a little while.
A big reason why I wanted to share this with you is to encourage you in your hobbies as well. Whether it's drawing, painting, sculpting, writing or anything else that interest you, you should always make time for your passions. I think this is something I am learning in regards to maintaining this blog. Just make little goals, stick to your passions and don't get discouraged when something doesn't go the way you want it to. With all that said, I'd like to invite you to leave me a comment below or on my Instagram page (@cameronmothershed) and let me know what you think, share your art with me, or tell me about what interest you. I am here with you, stay focused, stay spooky, and stay tuned.
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