Welcome back to my Friday Frights Movie Review! This is the day of the week where I select one horror movie to help kick start the spooks for your weekend. This week I have selected the sequel to the indie classic All Hallows Eve, Terrifier. You do not have to watch the first one to enjoy the second. In my opinion, these two movies are uniquely different from each other in the most delightfully despicable way. The one thing they have in common is the ever so creepy Art the Clown.
A little synopsis for you my fiends. I'm not going to spoil this one for you. Instead I will provide a little movie background, choose my favorite scene, and basically fan girl out over this one. I will even show off a little bit of my fan art for this movie. Trust me, once you see this clown you will fan girl over him,too. That is, if you are not afraid of clowns.
Terrifier is about two young women who are in search of a little refuge after having a wild Halloween night. Before driving home, they decide to sober up with a little pizza. It is at the restaurant where they first encounter Art the clown, a maniacal looking joker who keeps starring at the two party animals. Being that it is Halloween night, no one takes any notice to his disturbing clown costume. Clearly freaked out by their encounter, the two girls eat their pizza and head back to their car only to discover that they have a flat tire. One of the girls calls their sister to come and pick them up and the two sit nice and safe in the car until one decides she has to pee and just can't hold it. She finds her solution in a nearby building that is in repair. From here we meet several disposable characters that will become victim to Art the clown who is lurking behind every corner. What he does to them is beyond what I can describe. Its horrible, its gruesome, its bloody and good ol' Art laughs at every single ounce of suffering he inflicts. All seems like it comes to an end but true evil never dies.
I'm gonna go ahead and end that there and just tell you how I enjoyed this movie. I LOVED IT!!! First of all, I love clowns. Clowns are a prefect blend of scary and silly in my eyes and I can't get enough. Art the clown is so scary and yet that smile gets me every time. Not to mention that he has incredible bone structure and impeccable fashion sense. The next thing that I love about this movie is just how gory it truly is. After having seen the first one and being scared with subtly more than full on gore, I was pleasantly and horribly surprised to see all the blood and guts this movie has to offer. Finally, the acting behind Art the clown is done in such a crazy way that it is admirable. David Howard Thornton, the man behind Art, seamlessly blends terror and fun perfectly with his Chaplin esq movements and facial expressions. It is a really fun watch, especially if you can watch it with someone who is scared of clowns.
As you can see I have done a little painting of Art the Clown. This was done after I had seen All Hallows Ever (will review later). I was mesmerized by Art the Clown and decided to post it. This painting is funny to me because it kind of looks like Art is really cheesing hard. This almost looks like this is a school picture and his mom told him to smile with teeth. I love it. Another little fun fact for me is that I received a like and comment from the movies director and original Art, Damien Leone. I was so surprised that he liked it and thrilled for weeks. I'm still thrilled, honestly. If you have any fan art for this movie (or any movie for that matter) tag the people who made it. They might like it.
Time for my favorite scene. This is a tough choice because there is a lot of really cool scenes to choose from. I guess my favorite scene is when Art is cooed by a crazy women who has an attachment to a baby doll. Art steals the doll from her and is treating it like a real baby. The women is horrified. She thinks that the doll is a real baby. The women softly talks to Art and convinces the clown to leave her baby alone. She ends up mothering Art, holding him in her arms while he sucks his thumb. It's unsettling, but kind of sweet...in a weird, uncomfortable sort of way.
I have a fun little story to tell you about this movie, before I wrap this up. The first time I saw this movie was in the basement of my house, by myself, while working on a project. It was dark and creepy down there with only the dim glow of an orange light bulb lighting my way (like in a horror movie). Anyway, I was working away and was giving myself the willies while watching this movie. I don't spook that easy but I was freaking myself out with every noise I heard down in the basement. It was the most fun I had while watching a horror movie in a long time. That's not the only story I have to offer about this movie. The next one was a little closer to Halloween and I had been raving about this movie to my family. So one night my mom asked me to play Terrifier for everyone. Let me add that my mom is a horror nut too, but she's not that good on the gore anymore and I had forgotten how gory this movie really was. She was mortified. I was in the back of the room laughing because I didn't realize how bad it had been. "Cameron!" she was yelling at me. We all had a good laugh. There were some scary scenes that were also funny, so she wasn't too mad. It was fun and we all had a good time.

That's the end of this Friday Fright Movie Review. If you are interested in seeing this one then just go to Netflix, it's still there. If you don't have Netflix, you can rent it on YouTube and Amazon ( I believe). If you have seen it then let me know what you think about it. Was it too much for you? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Tell me your thoughts. Until next time, Stay Spooky!
A little synopsis for you my fiends. I'm not going to spoil this one for you. Instead I will provide a little movie background, choose my favorite scene, and basically fan girl out over this one. I will even show off a little bit of my fan art for this movie. Trust me, once you see this clown you will fan girl over him,too. That is, if you are not afraid of clowns.

Time for my favorite scene. This is a tough choice because there is a lot of really cool scenes to choose from. I guess my favorite scene is when Art is cooed by a crazy women who has an attachment to a baby doll. Art steals the doll from her and is treating it like a real baby. The women is horrified. She thinks that the doll is a real baby. The women softly talks to Art and convinces the clown to leave her baby alone. She ends up mothering Art, holding him in her arms while he sucks his thumb. It's unsettling, but kind of sweet...in a weird, uncomfortable sort of way.
I have a fun little story to tell you about this movie, before I wrap this up. The first time I saw this movie was in the basement of my house, by myself, while working on a project. It was dark and creepy down there with only the dim glow of an orange light bulb lighting my way (like in a horror movie). Anyway, I was working away and was giving myself the willies while watching this movie. I don't spook that easy but I was freaking myself out with every noise I heard down in the basement. It was the most fun I had while watching a horror movie in a long time. That's not the only story I have to offer about this movie. The next one was a little closer to Halloween and I had been raving about this movie to my family. So one night my mom asked me to play Terrifier for everyone. Let me add that my mom is a horror nut too, but she's not that good on the gore anymore and I had forgotten how gory this movie really was. She was mortified. I was in the back of the room laughing because I didn't realize how bad it had been. "Cameron!" she was yelling at me. We all had a good laugh. There were some scary scenes that were also funny, so she wasn't too mad. It was fun and we all had a good time.

That's the end of this Friday Fright Movie Review. If you are interested in seeing this one then just go to Netflix, it's still there. If you don't have Netflix, you can rent it on YouTube and Amazon ( I believe). If you have seen it then let me know what you think about it. Was it too much for you? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Tell me your thoughts. Until next time, Stay Spooky!
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