Rabid Grannies is about two elderly women who have invited their extended family to their birthday party. The grannies are very wealthy and the family who arrive are only there to ensure their placement in the grannies will. They wear false smiles and bring gifts to make their grannies smile. Everything seems to be going well for all at the party. There is great food, plenty of wine, and loads of presents. The whole night is a great success until an unexpected guest drops by, leaving only a gift for the two birthday girls. We learn that the present was gifted by a ostracized family member who the group no longer has any contact with. In a note, we learn of their goodwill towards the family, no hard feelings, and a happy birthday to the grannies. Moved, the grannies open the gift to find a beautiful, hand carved jewelry box...but this isn't an ordinary jewelry box. In it lives two demonic souls with intent on possessing our grannies, leading them to kill off their greedy family members. Many die, including an innocent child who has their arm ripped off. The possessed grannies are soulless, they convince a priest to kill himself, and snap a man in literal half. However, the spell is eventually broken and the grannies are back to their normal selves. The evil is gone...or is it?

Now, I don't want you to misunderstand me when I say something is a "problem" or is "bad" or anything like that because I am not bashing these movies in any way. In fact, these are things that I enjoy about these movies. With that said, out of all the Troma movies I have ever seen, Rabid Grannies is one of the best looking. Like an Argento movie, this movie has a foreign, French appeal to it. The accents and mannerisms of the actors are over the top and wonderful. The dialog is something to be admired. It is so cheesy and, again, over the top that you can't help but be invested in the story, no matter how ridiculous everything may seem. It truly is a good watch and I can't recommend it enough.
My sister and I love to watch Rabid Grannies together, it is so funny and a little confusing that every time we watch it we just rip it to shreds. Also, she is kind of scared of the grannies. I have to admit that they are pretty unpleasant to look at and the make up is scary, but she is afraid afraid of the grannies and I think that is pretty funny. The point of all this is, is to remind you share the things you love with the one's you love...even if it is Rabid Grannies.

Well. that's the end, friends. This was a weird one to talk about but we got through it and now we are here. I have a little more information about the movie for you before you go, so let's get to it. First, this movie is kid friendly, if you have young horror fans at home. It's more funny than it is scary so there should be no problem there. Secondly, you can watch this movie for free on YouTube. All you have to do is just type in the name Rabid Grannies and you will be all set. Also, you can watch it free if you have an Amazon Prime membership and that's pretty awesome. I don't believe that I have ever seen a copy of this movie in a movie store and if you have please let me know because that is awesome. I thinks that is all I have to say about this. Have you seen this movie? Do you love it, hate it, think it's alright? Tell me your thoughts. Leave me a comment, either here, Instagram (@cameronmothershed) or Twitter(@Cameronmarie96) you can follow me there, too! I check that stuff almost everyday. Other than that, have a great Wednesday. Let's get over the hump and I will see you on Friday to jump start your weekend. Stay spooky friends and stay tuned.
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