Welcome to Weird Movie Wednesday, where I talk about my favorite oddball horror films. I love horror movies that are so bad that you laugh more than you jump. The more awful fake blood, incoherent story lines and cheesey one-liners the better! So, let me stop chit chatting away and let's jump right into one of my favorite movies of all time...Popcorn.
*If you have never seen this movie and wish to not have it spoiled for yourself, then skip to the end. Don't worry I will put a little note for you so you can still read why this is one of the best movies ever!!!*

Maggie's film student peers are like any other group of theater kids. You've got the obvious movie freaks, the aspiring writers and director's of the American cinema, the enthusiastic learners and, of course, the class bimbo. No horror movie would be complete without one. Anyway, the University is barley trickling any funding to the theater department, so they decide to raise a little money with an all night horror-a-thon. The idea was movie geek, Toby's (Villard). He's got the hook up and I mean everything. He's booked the theater, the movies, costumes, and even the creepy movie mentor who is going to help this gaggle of theater students put on the most successful horror-thon ever!
Everything seems to be going well as the students set up the theater until they find a mysterious reel of film. They decide to watch it, as anyone else would do, and what they see is not to unfamiliar to our main girl Maggie. When the film begins she notices that what she is seeing is nothing other than her recurring nightmare. She learns that the film belongs to Lanyard Gates, a man who went crazy after one of his other short films was poorly reviewed. In an act of revenge, he kills his wife onstage and attempts to kill his daughter. Gates fails, however, when the theater catches fire. The girl escaped and the mad movie maker perished in the flames. With all this whirling in her head, Maggie tells her mother of her discoveries and how she feels like something is going on here, like some sort of puzzle is coming together in her mind. Maggie's mother is worried and offers to fly her and her daughter away from this situation. Shocked, Maggie convinces her mother that she must deal with the issue head on and the conversation ends there. Meanwhile, Suzanne receives threatening phone calls from a eerie voiced stranger who tells her to meet her at the theater where Maggie's event is going to be. Suzanne complies and this is the last we see of her until the end.

*I'm done spoiling the movie to any of you who opted to skip ahead!!!*
Popcorn has been one of my favorite movies ever. It takes me to a happy place in my childhood, coming home on the 4th of July after having just seen the fire works and popping in this tape (yes I said tape). This was one of the few horror movies that I could watch without my mom. It is completely kid friendly for any of you who have young horror fans at home. Now, this is one of the best movies ever to me because of it's perfect blend of cheesey horror humor and it's genuine attempts to scare the audience. Don't get me wrong, it is funny in multiple scenes, but I wont deny that there are a scene or two that give me the willies. To me that's what makes this movie so great. Plus, it is always nice to laugh at the awful fashion sense that was the 1990's. And if you're not into that then we can't hang.

You might now be thinking "Cameron, where can I watch this delight of a horror film that you so eloquently described to me?" Well, I'm glad you asked. You can watch this movie for free by just typing in the name of the movie and the year it was made. I only specify that point because I have tried to Google this movie without the date and the search engine takes me to popcorn the delicious movie snack. So be sure to type in Popcorn 1991. You can also purchase this movie on Amazon, eBay, or any other online site. You can always do like I did and rummage through an old movie and novelty store and buy it on DVD.
We have officially come to the end of this very long post. There's just so much to love about this film that it has to be this long. If you have seen this movie tell me how you liked it. Did you think it was funny? Did you hate it altogether or do you love it just as much as me? Tell me how you feel in the comment section below or on my Instagram page @cameronmothershed Feel free to like this post while you're there. Stay Spooky and Stay Tuned for next weeks Weird Movie Wednesday!!!
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