Hello GoodGuys and GoodGurls, welcome to another Weird Movie Wednesday. This week we are going to talk about Child's Play. There is so much hype surrounding the new movie that not talking about it now would be a missed opportunity. But before we get into the new one, I thought that we would talk about the old ones and bask in their horror glow. I want us all to appreciate the greatness of the original movies. So today I will be ranking the Child's Play movies from least to most weird and I will elaborate why certain movies ranked where on my list. Let's get to it.

7) Child's Play (1988)

The original Child's Play is the least weird movie from the franchise. Don't get me wrong, the premise is weird. A serial killer using voodoo to transfer his soul into a doll? Weird. I think we can all agree on that, however it is a true horror film and is my favorite in the franchise. It was truly scary. This movie was before Chucky got funny. He wasn't known for his killer one-liners yet, so it counts as least weird.
6) Child's Play 2 (1990)
Now this is where Chucky starts having more comedic timing, however still not the weirdest movie. Sure, the doll manages to be remade and find Andy with ease, but the horror formula is still there. Plus, Alex Vincent still plays Andy in this movie and I appreciate that. All in all, though, this movie is my least favorite in the franchise.
5) Child's Play 3 (1991)

I'm not going in order, trust me, it's just that this movie is where things start getting weird. It's not the weirdest it's going to get but there is so much that confuses me about this one. For instance, why is Andy sent to a military school? He's not a bad kid, just one that can't adjust due to his horrifying background. Secondly, if Chucky comes to the conclusion that since he has a new body he can swap souls with anyone in the whole wide world, then why does he still try to find Andy, then up and decides to change with another kid? Was this just to torment Andy, because Chucky could of gotten away with it, honestly, if he hadn't made his presence known to Andy, the only person who knew about Chucky in the first place. Why wouldn't Chucky just go anywhere else? Also, why does he keep getting remade? The toy factories don't have enough money to make dolls out of fresh resources and not the bloody leftovers of the last movies plastic disaster. And hasn't anyone realized that every time this doll get's made people die? You would think that they would shut that line of dolls down and Chucky would have never been a problem again. With all that said, I really do enjoy this movie. It is so stupid and there's something in it to be appreciated. You just have to look...hard.
4) Curse of Chucky (2013)

Now this one was going to be my number one pick, but I changed my mind. I enjoyed this movie, but was kind of annoyed with Chucky's new origin story. The beginning of the story was confusing for me because who are these people? We really didn't get any back story about them until the end of the film and this is when we learn about Chucky's past. The problem I have is this...since when did Chucky have and affinity for children and families? Wasn't he a killer, who really had no ties? And wasn't he in a relationship with Tiffany before he died? Who is this family and why do they matter? I never got, from any of the movies, that Chucky wanted a family and was the kind of criminal to take hostage a pregnant woman to create a family of his own. In fact, in one film he flat out says that you can't tie him down. He wasn't into marriage and never willingly wanted kids. I just have a hard time believing this backstory, so I choose not to. Like I said, I did enjoy it but it is my least favorite Chucky movie.
3) Cult of Chucky (2017)

In the line of newer Chucky films, I really did enjoy this one. Even though I didn't fully enjoy the one before it, this one was fun. We got to revisit some of our favorite old characters. My favorite is Andy. Seeing him again filled me with joy. I was stoked to see that he had Chucky and was pretty much torturing him for the rest of his life. That is until Chucky starts forming a cult of himself. I see no problem with that. It seems fitting. Weird, but fitting. Despite the events of the previous film, I think that the Cult of Chucky follows up nicely with the rest of the story. I mean, it makes sense to me that he would figure out how to use voodoo to make more of him so he can spread violence all over. Also, I really dig the scene where he possesses Mika's body and stomps the creepy doctor to death for her. So awesome. Also, I just want to add that this is one of the only times that I've seen that voodoo spell actually work. He does it all the time, but never with any success. I think that it has only worked like three times. This was pretty odd, but still not the strangest one yet.

2) The Bride of Chucky (1998)
First off, this movie is one of my very favorites. It brings back some wonderful childhood memories for me. This is the runner up on this list and rightly so. The Bride of Chucky is after the third one and really does not follow up on our main man Andy. We don't get to know what happens to him but we do learn that Chucky did have a crazy girlfriend who decides to bring him back to life by sewing him back together and using voodoo. Then she becomes a doll and you would think that that would be the strangest thing about this movie, but no...they have an evil, voodoo baby.
1) The Seed of Chucky (2004)

We have a winner! For me, The Seed of Chucky is the weirdest in the franchise and I love it. What gets me is that we get a follow up on their voodoo baby before we get a follow up on Andy. I love it honestly. Their sweet little spawn is so ugly it is cute. Glenn/Glenda is adorable and we get to find out what happened to him. Plus, there is a Jennifer Tilly cameo and she plays Tiffany. It's so funny. This one has it all. Voodoo. Babies. Voodoo babies. Jennifer Tilly, Tiffany and Chucky, what more could you ask for. It's super quotable and by far the weirdest in the franchise.
That's my list, from least to most weird. What do you think? Do you agree? If not, give me your list. I would love some outside insight. Child's Play is an important franchise for me. It is one of the only ones to maintain the same actor to play the main characters. I love that they come back to revive their characters whenever there is a new movie. I mean, Chucky wouldn't be Chucky if Brad Dourif didn't voice him. And there is no one in the world who can replace Tiffany. Will they reprise their roles again for the new one? I'm sure most of you know the answer to that, but if you don't feel free to join me this Friday and we will talk about it. Until then, like, follow, comment here or on my social medias, @Cameronmothershed on Instagram and @CameronMarie96 on Twitter. I will respond. Stay spooky, friends.
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