My Mom's a Werewolf is about a woman who is constantly ignored by her husband, mostly because she is a vegetarian and keeps feeding him rabbit food. He stays out and eats meat behind her back. So one day, while she is out on the town to find a flea collar for the family dog, she meets a handsome stranger in a pair of Ray Bans. He lures her into a trance during a lunch date. Meanwhile, her daughter suspects that her mother is having an affair and, with the help of her horror movie best friend, follow them to her mother's favorite restaurant.. She finds her mother smitten by the strange man across from her. However, the mother snaps out of the trance, leaving the restaurant to head to the pet store. A pet store owned by the tall, dark stranger from the restaurant. Being once again taken by his glowing eyes, the two end up in an intimate situation, leading to the man biting her toe. In pain, she limps out of the pet store, never forgetting the flea collar she came for. All the while, her daughter and her friend saw the whole thing.
She returns home, feeling different. Now craving meat, she prepares a lovely steak for her family and ends the night being more adored by her husband than ever. The daughter isn't being fooled by her mother's new demeanor. She knows something is up and is determined to get to the bottom of it. The next morning, mama werewolf is sporting fangs. Confused and horrified, she rushes to the craziest dentist I've ever seen to have them filed down. They can't be and she's runs out of the office. However, she feels invigorated and heads to the butcher shop to buy some meat, snacking on it raw on the way home. She is turning more and more into a werewolf now and ol' tall, dark, and handsome stops by for a visit and explains what is happening to her and why. He is a werewolf and plans to have a family of wolves with her. She doesn't believe it but her daughter, who has been snooping, figures it out. So, she turns to her horror nut friend for help. In true horror movie fashion, she doesn't believe her until she see's it for herself. When she is finally convinced, the two devise a plan to end her mother's torment, if you can even call it that. The plan includes silver and lots of padding. They have to kill the stranger before the full moon falls. It works, the daughter kills the stranger and saves her mother and all seems well...that is until we find out that there is a loophole in the system and now it is the daughters turn.

This movie is a comedy with a horror twist. Sort of like Saturday the 14th, if you have ever seen that, but less slapstick. It's over the top, which I love. The mom's transformation is awesome and end werewolf product is crazy. The costumes look homemade and over-sized. The end is great and leaves room for a part two, if you are asking me. It's a good one and family friendly for horror fans young and old alike.
Well, that's the end. We've made it another Wednesday. Let me know if you've seen this one. I love it. it's a staple. If you haven't, then check it out. I don't cost nothing if you go to YouTube and search the title. Let me know what you think, either way. Have a great day and stay spooky.
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